Your November 2023 Newsletter | Revive Properties | Revive Properties

Your November 2023 Newsletter

October was a busy month for the future of the lettings sector. The Renters (Reform) Bill saw its second reading in parliament, where MPs debated terms of the bill. This resulted in unexpected changes on the abolition of Section 21, and further clarification for student lets.

Section 21 – delay or u-turn?

The government announced in October 2023 that it will not proceed with abolishing Section 21 until there has been “sufficient progress” to improve the courts. This includes exploring how the courts can prioritise cases that involve antisocial behaviour and improving bailiff recruitment.

Although the government previously committed to working in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the HM Courts and Tribunals Service, the commitment to prioritise the courts process over section 21 came slightly unexpectedly. This concession is likely due to discontent among landlord MPs regarding section 21, a reform that is generally viewed negatively by landlords. By agreeing to focus on reforming the courts first, the government has offered a significant concession to win MP support.

King’s Speech and Autumn Statement 2023 in November

November will be a busy month for news around the future intentions of this government, with both the King’s Speech on 7 November and the Autumn Statement 2023 on 22 November. Landlords will need to keep an eye on what’s announced to understand what the government will be prioritising in the coming parliamentary session.

The Revive Property Sales and Lettings Limited team

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